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Pura Vida Festival Retreat is a movement to align personal well-being with planetary regeneration

20 - 23 June 2024

We co-create transformational learning journeys through workshops, music, art and joyful celebrations that deepen the relationships with ourselves, others and the planet as whole.

Our experiences are vegan & alcohol- and drug free.

"I experienced how healing and nourishing it is to be in a community while going through your inner processes”  Naomi, Vienna
“I rediscovered a connection to my inner world, and seeing myself as part of nature.” Stella, Santa Teresa
“We re-aligned ourselves with a sense of happiness, belonging and purpose” Eugenia, Barcelona
“The Pura Vida team and the people I met brought me closer to my own spirituality. In the end we are all connected. Pura Vida helped me to get so inspired!” Jasmin, Amsterdam
“To me Pura Vida means community” Mira, Berlin
"I reached a new state of connection.” Firat, Berlin
"I experienced how healing and nourishing it is to be in a community while going through your inner processes”  Naomi, Vienna
“I rediscovered a connection to my inner world, and seeing myself as part of nature.” Stella, Santa Teresa
“We re-aligned ourselves with a sense of happiness, belonging and purpose” Eugenia, Barcelona
“The Pura Vida team and the people I met brought me closer to my own spirituality. In the end we are all connected. Pura Vida helped me to get so inspired!” Jasmin, Amsterdam
“To me Pura Vida means community” Mira, Berlin
"I reached a new state of connection.” Firat, Berlin
“It was life-transforming” Sara, Cologne
“It was a deep and transformative container.” John, Berlin
“The lineup of facilitators and the mix of science and community was unique!” Beatrix, Cologne
“You can feel the love and care with which it is created.” Eugenia, Barcelona
“The festival satisfied all parts of me: the hunger of my mind, the movement for my body and warmth for my heart.” Vasi Roots-n-Wings, Berlin
“It was life-transforming” Sara, Cologne
“It was a deep and transformative container.” John, Berlin
“The lineup of facilitators and the mix of science and community was unique!” Beatrix, Cologne
“You can feel the love and care with which it is created.” Eugenia, Barcelona
“The festival satisfied all parts of me: the hunger of my mind, the movement for my body and warmth for my heart.” Vasi Roots-n-Wings, Berlin

Four Days of Magic

Our festival retreat unfolds within the beautiful space of the visionary project “Wir bauen Zukunft”, an enchanted and vibrant 10h large ecosystem in the countryside between Hamburg and Berlin.

For four days we open an experimental space to live a holistic vision of the future that aligns personal flourishing, thriving communities and resilient environmental ecosystems.

A unique experience

You can expect interactive workshops, yoga, meditation, movement arts and many more classes guided by world class facilitators and speakers. Immersive live music, art performances and celebrations turn the festival into a unique cultural and ecstatic experience - without alcohol or other drugs.

A healing and a wellness space and the joyful community make it a retreat to rejuvenate mind, body and heart.

Upcoming Experiences

Learn more

We are a festival. And we are a retreat.

We are convinced that it is important to pause and take a break from the world to see it more clearly. And at the same time we wish to reconnect to the current moment and celebrate life as it is in order to initiate real change.

As Joshua Schrei puts it:

”A festival is a time to enact renewal, cracking us open and then sprouting anew. The festival renews our relationships to the world.”

Our festival journey

We celebrate life and the power of transformative learning and healing journeys.


We begin the journey by cultivating the art of self care, and connecting with a source of wisdom within you. Through neuroscience, meditation, movement, creativity and other modalities, we explore our inner lives, and what it means to live a life at our full potential. Aligning the rhythms of mind, body, heart and spirit, what nurtures us most?


The second chapter of our festival journey takes us into the field of connection, communication and intimacy. What does it mean to experience true belonging? How can we relate to others, while also staying truthful to ourselves? What does it take to build a flourishing community?


We are an integral part of nature, embedded in the web of life. In the final step of our journey we discover the theme of inter-being. How can we live in a meaningful relationship to nature? What kind of systems truly serve the regeneration of our communities and our planet? What kind of world do we want to create?

Interactive Stages

Embracing narratives and tools from ancient wisdom traditions and latest scientific insights our stages are designed to inspire contemplation, self-inquiry, togetherness, exchange and transformation.


On this stage we dive into the mystery of consciousness, and explore philosophies of selfhood, identity and mental health.


Tapping into the healing power of community and expressing our heart’s desire, who are we when we are truly seen and heard?


Grounding our experiences in movement and body awareness, we embrace a philosophy of embodied learning.


Attuning our rhythms through play, and cultivating our imagination to envision the world of tomorrow lies at the core of our mission. Will you join us?


Introducing our (own) vision and values into the world and building a new tomorrow. When the vision meets action, do you participate?

Line Up 2024

Join us for a life-changing experience!

Start the journey now!

We invite you to renew your relationship to yourself and to other sentient beings as you cross the thresholds of the journey. Step into the rhythm of your creative and visionary potential as we unpack an ancient feeling of kinship, connection and belonging. This is an immersive and co-creative experience for leaders and change-makers, as well as for those who are led by the calling of their hearts.


Humanity faces numerous challenges on societal, environmental and economical levels that are an expression of an underlying crisis of consciousness.
We are a collective of entrepreneurs, scientists, change makers and heart-led humans that explore new paths to tackle those challenges. Read on to learn more and how to collaborate with us!

Our Vision

Partners & Collaborators

Alchemy of breath
Mind Foundation
Impact Hub
Reinventing Society
29k / aware

Wish to support us?

If you want to support our Mission, we are very greateful for any kind of donation.

Donate here
via Paypal
Become part of a flourishing community this summer and save your tickets for Pura Vida Festival Retreat.