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20. - 23. June 2024
at Wir Bauen Zukunft, Gallin

Ready for the next chapter?
Join us in an unforgettable life-changing summer experience that will lead you into deep connection with yourself, other people and nature and the world as a whole!

In our interactive workshop program, we realign our inner compass, unleash our creative potential and learn to live meaningful relationships - to consciously and proactively create a regenerative and just future together. With music, art, dance, ceremonies and holistic learning we celebrate pure life in all its facets!

Our Stages


Our inner worlds hold many secrets and great power. On the mind stage we become aware of these - and learn tools and methods to change and shape the fabric of our perception and wellbeing. In the middle of nature, we meditate and dive into the mystery of consciousness, discuss and explore philosophies of selfhood, identity and mental health. By training our minds we cultivate an accepting, kind, and compassionate relationship towards oneself and others.


Our heart - the center of love, compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and others. It holds deep and profound truths... What happens, when we dare to open it, listen to its whispering melodies, tap into its power and express its greatest desires? With heart-opening breathwork sessions and practices of authentic relating, compassion and kindness, we aim to support the cultivation of an ethic of love through which we can walk through life and act more benevolently and generously.


At the body stage, we tune into the sensations of our physical selves. Experience yourself as the marvelous sentient being you are! Become aware of the rhythmic rise and fall of our breath, the subtle tingling in our hands, the rhythmical beat in our chest… Yoga and other embodiment practices invite us to not only meet and release old pain with gentleness and curiosity but to also develop a heightened sense of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and a deeper trust in the wisdom and resilience of our moving bodies.


To play is an essential form of our true nature. Play worships the present moment, it allows a space to try, fail and learn without judgment. And it is through play that we unlock our imagination to envision the new worlds of tomorrow. Come and channel your inner artist! The Play stage is also our big Main stage: During the days, laughter, curiosity, and joy reign supreme through ecstatic dance, painting and other playful experiences, while at night we celebrate the liberation of the human spirit with big ceremonies and blissful DJ-Sets.


We are individual beings as well as we are parts of a greater whole. This earth is so much more than simply our environment. On the world stage we dive into experiencing ourselves as one with nature and this universe, sense into global challenges and processes of destruction and transformation - and reflect on our role in creating new visions and values in order to build new tomorrows in a deep and meaningful relationship with everything around us. 
We have always been home here, and it is our birthright as well as our responsibility to become guardians, stewards and caretaker of a flourishing planet.

Systems Stage

The institutions that shape the way we think and act as well as our potential to grow collectively as a society are facing profound changes. What does a transformation of economy, politics, education sector, healthcare, food production, energy industry and others look like that creates socially just and ecologically regenerative conditions? How can we co-create sustainable and life-affirming systems in which the well-being of the individual goes hand in hand with a thriving community and a living planet? These are the questions that we want to explore together on the Systems Stage.

Our Festival Experience

The Market Space

We are excited to invite a variety of artisans and crafts makers for our buzzing market space! Stop by for an organically produced coffee, refresh yourself with a lemonade or try some deliciously nutritious snacks and sweet treats throughout the day, while you have a look through the jewelry, clothes, incense products and much more handcrafted valuables... Maybe you'll find a special little talisman to always remind you of your unique Pura Vida experience?

Pura Vida Retreat

The Family Space

While many of the workshops and festival activities are family-friendly, we also provide childcare during workshop times, so adults can also attend the experiences without their kids and fully dive into the sessions. At our kids area, children of the ages from 3 to 12 have their own creative playground to engage in various projects. Will they design their own upcycled crazy hat, create a magic dreamcatcher or come up with a completely new game to play together?

The Healing Space

The Healing Space is an oasis of calm on the festival grounds where you’ll be able to connect with facilitators offering one-on-one massages, bodywork, coaching, energy work, as well as a variety of other 1:1 sessions for the mind, body and soul. The team's mission is to empower and guide festival-goers to find the capacity to heal within themselves and dive deeper into the ethos of personal development and conscious awakening which is a crucial part of Pura Vida Festival Retreat.

Cuddle & Empathy Space

There might be times at the festival when you experience intense or challenging emotions and feel overwhelmed. Our cuddle & empathy tent is the safe space to ground and relax your nervous system by reconnecting with yourself as well as with others! Our team has different specialties in embodiment, breathing and meditation practices and guidance through emotions and trauma. They are there for you whenever you need it! The space is free for anyone to come anytime, to take a breath, cuddle, rest or to be held and seen.

Wellness Space

Our Wellness Space awaits you to sweat and detox in the sauna within the flavours of different nature infusions, provided by our wellness angels.

Glamping Tents

Elevate your experience and make yourself a cozy home and safe haven to rest, relax and recharge during the festival journey! Treat yourself with an extra bit of comfort immersed in nature. The stylish tents offer space for up to four people and are equipped with beds, sheets and pillows, a carpet, a lamp and electricity connection.

The Pop-Ups

To offer you an extra level of enchantment, we curate a sweet selection of surprise pop-up experiences, such as talks, poetry readings & sound journeys, that take place throughout the day at a variety of hidden nests all over the festival ground. Get ready to explore!

Glamping Tents

Elevate your experience and make yourself a cozy home and safe haven to rest, relax and recharge during the festival journey! Our Glamping area will be provided by Domo Camp. Check out their amazing offer and treat yourself with an extra bit of comfort immersed in nature. The stylish tents offer space for up to four people and are equipped with beds, sheets and pillows, a carpet, a fatboy lamp and electricity connection.


Our kitchen team will serve you a great menu every day and ensures to nourish everyone perfectly well with amazing delicious meals and affordable prices. Everything is vegan, organic and made with a lot of love of course.


How to Care? Resilience in the Polycrisis

Katharina van Bronswijk, Nikolas Bieleit-Medicus

How can we find stability amidst global crises? What feelings do these crises evoke in us? Resilience builds on effectiveness and self-care.

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Liberate your Heart: Juicy Jivamukti Yoga for Settling In

Sophie Karbjinski

We will practice a gentle arrival meditation, then move through a warm-up sequence, a more dynamic flow, and cool down towards the end with some long-hold asanas and finally, a sweet savasana.

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Rise and Unwind: Morning Somatic Movement for Emotional Clarity

Jeanie Jadias

This session is designed to gently awaken your body and mind through a series of intentional, mindful movements.

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Regenerative Systems - Inspired by Nature

Johannes Milke

Working in Harmony with Nature: Introduction to Regenerative Organizational Forms and Cyclical Work.

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License to Dance

Tal Siano

The workshop blends bass music with somatic therapy exercises, creating an inclusive space for all skill levels and physical abilities.

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Morning Meditation

Boris Bornemann

Start the day by connecting deeply to yourself and setting wholesome intentions.

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Jette Schwarz

Fluentbody class is a combination of movement and somatic therapy that helps to be generous to your body and mind.

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Damien Carlier

Breathe and explore your innermost self to be a catalyst for change.

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5 Tibetan Rites & Breath

Praneet Nair

An age-old practice from Tibet activating and energizing the body, followed by a short breath and meditation practice.

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Voice Activation- Heartfelt Harmonies: Unlocking Your True Voice

Mila Kiwus

In this workshop, participants will experience activities designed to awaken their vocal potential and connect deeply with their inner selves.

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How Stories about Money Influence the World - and What You Can Change About It

Janina, Theresa and Nikolas

Discover beliefs about the economy and money that harm our world and are simply false. #MythDebunked.

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Pyramid Party

Boto / Mama Shiva

A divine party to celebrate light and dark with Kundalini, singing, dancing, breath, and sound.

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Vinyasa Kundalini Yoga

Sarah Creations

This practice combines Himalayan Breath techniques, Kundalini Kriyas from Sattva Yoga, Vinyasa, Sound & Chants to create a vitalizing state of consciousness. It will help you release stagnant energy and move towards an evolutionary state of being.

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Harmonious Union

Benjamin Deiß & Verena Pförtner

We explore ourselves and others in connection and intimacy, lead by the tantric wisdom of Benjamin and Verena.

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Intimacy Lab

Viktoria Köster & Zsofi Bodnar

How much can you stay in connection with yourself as you open up to others? How far can you stretch yourself without damage?

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Embodied Womanhood


Step into a space of profound connection and inner reflection as we embark on a journey into the depths of womanhood!

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Spiral of Insights: Kundalini Yoga & Sound Journey

Klaudia Lewi & Susanna Jonas

Join Klaudia and Susanna for a Kundalini Yoga & Sound Journey where we explore the spacious realm of self!

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Nature Walk & Indigenous Wisdom

Felipe Pyky Uba Tyba

Felipe will walk you through nature - and remind you, that nature is actually all you are as well.

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Draw & Grow

Iana Go

Unleash your inner artist when you dive into meditative painting in an ambient setting and process your experiences on canvas!

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Hero's Journey

Hans Rutrecht

Why do most stories and tales follow a similar pattern? How is this connected to our human nature? And, if you feel the call to adventure - will you go there?

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Modern Mortality Session

Charlotte Wiedemann

Death is an inevitable part of life. Still, it is also taboo in modern society - which we wish to let go of in this workshop.

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Active Hope! How to face the Mess without going crazy

Gabi Bott

Dive into the concepts of Deep Ecology, based on Joanna Macy, and experience how to transform your concern and pain for the status of the world into power and action. (in German)

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Qi Gong & Wisdom

Stephane Seckin

With the flowing practice of Qi Gong in the morning we welcome the day and start it with fresh energy.

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Interconnectedness. Breathwork & Frequency

Sarah Sondermann & Agi Salii

Explore the transformative power of breath and frequencies to deepen your connection within, release blockages and allow for deep emotional catharsis.

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Mantras & Mischief

Sri Appollo

We connect with the present moment through mantra singing, access unconditioned consciousness together - and have a lot of fun!

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The Blue Miracle

Simon Knab

Unleash your inner artist and craft your very own unique keepsake to take home — a stunning cyanotype creation imbued with the magic of sunlight.

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The Power of Art to Cope with Trauma

Judith Siano

Discover the ways in which art serves as a powerful medium for processing and navigating difficult emotions.

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Embodied touch - A cuddle cultivation workshop

Tal Siano

In this group bodywork session, we embark on a gentle yet profound exploration of our relationship with touch, intimacy, pleasure as well as clear boundaries.

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Human Moves

Hugh Stanier

Tune in with your own and other bodies moving freely: Hugh guides us into the wonderful world of contact improvisation!

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Roughhousing - Fighting Playfully

Katharina Alf

Let’s learn about our bodies in relationship to other bodies, non-verbal communication, boundaries, dominance and submission. Lots of laughter guaranteed!

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From Personal Purpose to Collective Utopia

Stephanie Ries & Izzy Ahrbeck

What is your personal why? Let’s explore our own stories, find personal storylines that create identity and bonding and develop utopias for purposeful and collective climate action!

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4 Spaces Journey

Frederick Fleischmann

Frederick invites us on an inner journey through which we can look at our own issues with a new perspective and clarity. This allows us to find solutions that not only address symptoms, but also lead to lasting change.

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Selbstentwicklung ist Weltentwicklung

Martin Permantier

Whether and how we can shape transformation is significantly influenced by our mindset. How do we develop thought structures that help us to construct positive realities - for ourselves, organizations and the world?

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You Are A Healer - Embodied Empathy for a Better World

Lee Lester

How do we show up with the power of empathy as a healing tool for ourselves and others, whilst setting clear boundaries to not lose ourselves in the process?

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Florencia Lamarca

Embark on a soulful journey of movement and connect with your body through Florencia's self-developed method of somatic therapy!

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Relational Activism

Joana Breidenbach

How can we make a difference in the world - and how is our activism affected by collective trauma and systems of oppression?

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Heart Flow - When yoga meets Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lucie André

Lucie awaits you with a playful Vinyasa flow including element meditation, mantra, mudra, a meridian oriented sequence and sound healing to infuse you with energy for the day.

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Somatic therapy and massage

Tal Siano

Trained as a FluentBody teacher, somatic coach, and Thai masseuse, Tal facilitates movement, dance, and bodywork workshops, including Cuddle Cultivation and Tanzen3000.

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Tantric touch


Sonja is a sexual and couple's therapist and a coach for tantric touch.

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French osteopath specializing in Body Alignment Technique, stress reduction therapy, somatic therapy, and pediatric osteopathy

Clara Lescourret

Clara Lescourret is a French osteopath specializing in Body Alignment Technique but also Body-Mind Alignment.

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Massage (Deep Tissue, Rebalancing, and Relaxing)

Lucas Jamin

Lucas Jamin is a massage therapist based in Berlin.

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Massage, Reiki, Sound Healing


Clare Goodwin (Clarity Healing Space) is rooted in the transformative power of holistic healing.

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Transformative Bodywork

Katharina Alf

Katharina Alf has been a bodyworker since 2017, specializing in transformative bodywork.

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Somatic Bodywork

Farhad Pocha

Farhad works with touch, focusing on energetic alignment, emotional trauma release, and deep relaxation.

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Massage, bodywork

Leo Fey

Leo Fey has 3000 hours of training all over the world and has won a bronze medal in the massage world championship.

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Energetic and deep release treatments

Stephane Seckin

Stephane believes in the balance of the body and specializes in traditional Chinese medicine techniques such as massage, energy treatment, acupressure, and treatment with Chinese herbs.

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Integrative Hypnosis Session

Stephania Iordanoglou

Stephania is an Integrative Hypnosis practitioner and teacher, somatic therapist, and mover, guiding you to reconnect to the deepest parts of your Self.

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Thalia Matthaei

Thalia's vision is to support clients and create a space for them to get closer to their own strength and inner wisdom.

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Thai yoga massage, deep tissue, ritual massage with intuitive music

Siti Mariam Assmann

Siti Mariam is from Indonesia and is an intuitive singer artist. She learned about massage from her grandfather at a young age, observing and learning the intuitive nature of massage.

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A unique experience

Become part of a flourishing community this summer and save your tickets for Pura Vida Festival Retreat.

Your journey starts here

Safe the dates in your calendar!

Pura Vida Festival Retreat 2024
June 20, 2024 10:00 AM
June 23, 2024 18:00 PM
Wir Bauen Zukunft
Pura Vida Festival Retreat is an experience that aligns personal well-being with planetary
regeneration. The experiences  are journeys to tap into deeper sources of meaning and more purpose in life while experiencing a sense of community, love and lots of fun!Through interactive daily workshops, we explore themes, such as holistic health, meditation, self-knowledge and compassion, relationships, connection and intimacy, creativity, dance and embodiment, deep ecology and sustainability. Become part of another chapter exploring co-creation and co-flourishing! Tickets & More info:

If you want to actively co-create, then please check out our options to volunteer, or become part of the team.

Get Involved

Expect lush idyllic nature with wide open green fields, majestic trees, lots of magical hidden spots and an enchanted forest to be explored. Here, in a flourishing environment and absolute tranquility far away from the main roads, underneath the sparkling starry skies, we can experience ourselves as beings that belong on this planet. Truly a place where body, mind and soul come into harmony!